The Church Year: Mar. 24, 2012

Today is Saturday of the 4th week of Lent. The liturgical color is violet.


Saints & Celebrations:

On March 24, there is no special fixed liturgical day in the Ordinary Form.

In the Extraordinary Form, we celebrate St. Gabriel the archangel. It is a Class III day.

If you’d like to learn more about St. Gabriel, you can click here.

For information about other saints, blesseds, and feasts celebrated today, you can click here.



To see today’s readings in the Ordinary Form, you can click here.

Or you can click play to listen to them:


Devotional Information:

According to the Holy See’s Directory on Popular Piety:

General Principles for the Renewal of Pious Exercises

75. The Apostolic See has not failed to indicate those theological, pastoral, historical, and literary principles by which a renewal of pious exercises is to be effected. It has also signaled the manner in which they should reflect a biblical and liturgical spirit, as well as an ecumenical one. The criteria established by the Holy See emphasize how the essential nucleus of the various pious exercises is to be identified by means of an historical investigation, and also reflect something of contemporary spirituality. Pious exercises are also required to take due account of the implications of a healthy anthropology. They should respect the culture and expressive style of the peoples who use them without, however, losing those traditional elements that are rooted in popular customs.