7 thoughts on “Bishop: Catholics cannot vote in conscience for Obama”

  1. I also recommend Archbishop Chaput’s latest book, Render Unto Casear. He has been a consistent voice on the importance of the anti-abortion stance but it is also a wonderful piece on adherence to Catholic doctrine in general.

  2. This is very heartening and thank goodness Bishops are speaking out more than they ever did a decade ago. I only wish we had Bishops that would speak so clearly and decisively in Australia…

  3. The bishop is right. Of course the hard left is now attacking all bishops and all evangelical churches who are speaking publicly that it is immoral to vote for a pro-abortion candidate.

  4. He was always a solid Bishop. I remember back in the ’90’s when he forbade any pro-abort politician from speaking on any Church property. With Corpus Christi and the surrounding environs running 70%+ Democrat, that took some real guts.

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