Photo Caption


Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

82 thoughts on “Photo Caption”

  1. Idiot! – now look what you’ve done. I warned you the Primatum spell in Harry Potter was satanic.

  2. No, we do not share a common ancestor with those barbaric humans! I refuse to accept it.

  3. no, a little to the left…lower, LOWER!…now just a little to the right…..OH YEAH, THAT’S THE SPOT!!…AHHHHHHH!!!!

  4. SPOCK!!!! NO!!! It’s…me..Jim…..

  5. Sorry to semi-copy you, Rob, but…
    “You will be SAAAAAVEDUH! Get outta this monkey NOWWWWWUH, Satan be GOOONNNEEEEUH! I command you in the name of JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZUSUH!

  6. (Voiceover) “And as the Man in the Big Yellow Hat looked on in horror, Curious George and his evil clone battled to the bitter end.”

  7. throw a couple more monkeys in there and it will look like my kids this morning.

  8. “Bwaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha! Wait wait, one more ‘your momma’s so ugly’ joke.”

  9. Please tell me Tammy Faye isn’t gone! Who are we going to get to buy the “Eye shade in a can” anymore?
    (With deepest respects to Ms. Faye and her family. Eternal rest grant unto her O’Lord…)

  10. Promenade, don’t get to funky,
    Now spin your partner like a Rhesus Monkey.

    Actually, the normal progression would be *swing* your partner, now don’t get funky, *promenade* like a Rhesus monkey.

  11. I knew the technical critique was coming!
    Admittedly, one can swing after the end of a promenade, and it’s sometimes called that way (e.g., to fill time at the end of a singing call), but swing and then promenade is by far the more common progression.

  12. Like all good westerns Sam PECKnPAW ends this one with the predictable good ape/bad ape fight in a river.
    I give this film Two opposable thumbs up.

  13. > Promenade, don’t get to funky
    > You meant “too” funky, no?
    That proper noun should be capitalized: to Funky, as in “Funky Town.”

  14. That proper noun should be capitalized: to Funky, as in “Funky Town.”

    I’m uninvolved in the exchange you reference. 🙂

  15. I was going to add something, but all the good references have been taken . . . still, you all always amp up the funny.

  16. “Actually, the normal progression would be *swing* your partner, now don’t get funky, *promenade* like a Rhesus monkey.”
    Not in the monkey square dancing I’ve seen. 😉
    Others: Yes, I meant “not too funky”. Was very tempted too post again two clarify, but you knew what I meant. (I meant 2 do that).

  17. Thought of one:
    “You blew it up! You d*** dirty ape!!!”
    Still like Fr John’s Clouseau reference best, though.

  18. If I’m to baptize you properly you’re going to have to let me put you under two more times!

  19. The Womyn’s Ordination erupted into chaos on Sunday after two womyn priestess argued over whose turn it was to give the homily.

  20. Extraordinary … Roman … Rite! — Tridentine … Latin … Mass! — EXTRAORDINARY Roman Rite! — TRIDENTINE Latin Mass! — Extraordinary … Roman … Rite! — Tridentine … Latin … Mass!

  21. JD Crossan’s finally found his cover photo for his new book: “The Historical Cain & Abel”

  22. Photographic evidence that 2 of the 3 wise monkeys could no longer hold up to their end of the “no evil” bargain.

  23. “I was right. You have a mole shaped like the head of Rudy Guliani.”

  24. Blip never quite reached the level of fame he enjoyed during his “Space Ghost” days…..

  25. Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.
    One fell off and bumped his head.
    Momma called the doctor and the doctor said,

  26. “Finally, a post that Jimmy Akin readers won’t start senselessly arguing over!” “What are you talking about, this is a clearly contentious picture about two cute little baby monkeys trying to drown each other!” “You’re crazy, come here and let me drown your sorry hide!” “Get your paws off me!”

  27. “I say that we were determined to have this fight!”
    “And I say that I we are fighting by our own free will!”

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