The Lawrence Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

You may remember the not-so-long-ago Supreme Court decision Lawrence v. Texas, in which Darth Kennedy, leading a gang of fellow Sith lords, struck down a Texas anti-sodomy statue.

Lawrence v. Texas [is] the Supreme Court’s decision in 2003 that the Constitution protects the freedom of Americans to engage in ”the most private human conduct, sexual behavior," when it is part of a willing relationship between adults.

”The petitioners are entitled to respect for their private lives," Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in striking down the Texas law under which John Lawrence and Tyron Garner had been convicted of homosexual sodomy. ”The state cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime. Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government."

All of that is complete horse manure, of course. The Constitution does no such thing. Darth Kennedy and his co-conspirators are simply agenda-driven evilfolk out to impose their will on the American people by subverting the democratic process required to enact the laws that they’d like enacted.

At the time Lawrence was issued, people pointed out that its logic would allow all kinds of immoral sexual relationships.

And now the chickens are coming home to roost.

GET THE STORY. (Which is not actually about chickens.)

(CHT to the reader who e-mailed.)

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

5 thoughts on “The Lawrence Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost”

  1. Well, it was only a matter of time. The “couple”‘s case seems particularly strong inasmuch as there would probably be no case at all against them if they happened to be two brothers or two sisters, and of course you can’t discriminate based on sexual preference, so if it’s okay for two brothers or two sisters, it must be okay for a brother and a sister.

    Next up: brother-sister marriage, along with brother-brother and sister-sister marriage or domestic partnerships.

    After that, I don’t think there’s anything left to go after except age of consent.

  2. Oh and they will go after age of consent, Steven…

    Anyone else bothered by the fact that this opinion piece comes from the Jewish World Review?

  3. Steven, the age of consent is another item they will be going after but there is also parent/child relationships too. I don’t see anything stopping that. And as in Lawrence, it makes no distinction as to gender of either party. And I’m not saying there will be a lot of it, just that it no longer be illegal.

    The floodgates are flung wide open. Scalia said it in his dissent and Santorum said it on the Senate floor and got excoriated for it. There, in effect, will be or are, no limits anymore. The limits that are still on the books just have not been overturned by our new legislators, the judges.

  4. Note that the polygamists have indeed filed suit. . .

    Bronson v. Swensen

    It was only to be expected. This one, however, surprised me.

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